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PFAS in ECO straws 

Sipping on Toxins

If you are puzzled by the ability of paper straws to repel liquids and resist getting soggy for more than a few minutes.. it is because of an additive, that allows paper straws to be less soggy by its ability to repel water : PFAS

PFAS are fluorine-based chemicals that have remarkable properties in repelling water, grease and pretty much anything. They are widely used in products designed to resist water and oil such as raincoats, furniture, cookware and food packaging. PFAS are chemically and thermally very stable which means that almost nothing reacts or degrades them. This means they persist in the environment and will do so for thousands of years. For this reason, they have been dubbed ‘forever chemicals’. 

Once PFAS are in our blood they are associated with a number of health effects such as liver and kidney disease. There is also evidence that PFAS may lead to increased risk of high blood pressure in pregnant women, and decreased immune response. Some studies show an association of PFAS exposure with kidney and testicular cancer

The first study to investigate this in 2021 showed that paper and plant-based straws contain PFAS (Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances). In 2023, scientists in Belgium tested 39 brands of straws made of paper, bamboo, plastic and stainless steel found in shops, supermarkets and restaurants across the country. 90%, of paper brands tested positive for PFAS. They were also found in four out of five bamboo straws, three out of four plastic straws and two out of five glass straws.

In the press release announcing the study, Dr Groffen concluded, “Small amounts of PFAS, while not harmful in themselves, can add to the chemical load already present in the body. The presence of PFAS in paper and bamboo straws shows they are not biodegradable. 


RiceStraws™️ were tested in a Belgian labo and we can assure they don't contain PFAS